AZ Locals on National Project Inspire
”Bring Shabbat Home” Live Stream
June 5, 2020

Project Inspire is a non-profit organization that works to inspire thousands of Torah observant Jews to reach out to their less affiliated friends and neighb...


Elena Schroeder

Shabbat means so much to me!

It means connecting with the Almighty our G-d, Hashem!

It means connecting with my family and myself.

Shabbat means peace and unity!

I feel at peace when after a frenzy week I light the candles and sit down with my family to welcome Shabbat. My home feels different, it feels like we are in a different world, sometimes I feel like we are in the cocoon! A peaceful and relaxing cocoon :-)

I learned that two candles represent a woman and her husband. Although there is two candles, the light created is unified into one. Just like she and her husband have two different bodies, they have one soul.

As I light my candles I think of thousands of us Jewish women across the globe who are lighting the candles at the same time with me and how my candles join the others and all of them together create a giant flame of spiritual light ushering in the eternal Shabbat.

I am very grateful for Shabbat ❤️

May we all be blessed and merit to observe the eternal mitzvah of Shabbat!

Amen! 🙏